Old Fashioned Brown Bread
A good old fashion recipe from the East Coast of Canada- oatmeal with molasses/treacle combine to make this hearty bread. Give it a go

Brown Bread
This is truly an old family recipe from the east coast of Canada. See the original recipe.
- 1½ cup oatmeal
- 2½ cups boiled water
- 1 cup scalded milk
- ½ cup butter
- 1 tsp salt
- ⅔ cup treacle
- ½ cup white sugar
- 1 package yeast
- ¼ cup lukewarm cup
- 7-8 cups premium flour
- ½ tsp white sugar for yeast
- Put milk and butter in saucepan and heat to melt butter and scald milk . Put aside.
- Next step is to put oatmeal in bowl of stand mixer, pour boiling water over the oatmeal and add salt then stir.
- Add treacle, sugar and stir then pour in scalded milk and stir to combine. Set this aside to cool, it will take 20 -30 mins. In the meantime proof the yeast, add 1 tsp sugar to the ¼ cup of lukewarm water. Stir then add yeast to proof, you will know when it is foamy.
- Once the oatmeal mixture is cooled, this is important as if too hot it will kill the yeast , add the yeast to the oatmeal bowl.
- Add flour 1 cup at a time initially using a paddle attached then change to the dough attachment. The dough is ready when it starts to pull away from the side , about 7 cups. It is a slightly sticky dough.
- Cover with a tea towel and set aside to double in size, probably 2 hours.
- Once raised, punch down and form in loaves or rolls. Set aside fpr another 1 to rise a second time.
- Preheat oven to 180 C, then cook for 35 mins. Cool in pan for 5 mins then turn out and cool completely.