Brimfield Antique Market
This is the most amazing antique market- more than you can imagine. Acres of treasures from every time period, if you love flea markets this one is a must.

There are 3 markets each season in Brimfield Massachusetts, Summer 2019 dates are May 14- 19, July 9-14, and September 3- 8th. Apparently the busiest market is actually the earliest one in May but we attended the July market and there was far more than we could see in our 2 days. To be honest, I had no idea how impressive and vast this flea market is!

Next time I will be more prepared and have more time as this not just one flea market but several. Acres of different fields of amazing treasures along the main road for about a mile, its worth researching to know which market might suit your interest and time schedule.

How to prepare for the Market
1. Know the dates and time each market starts, earlier you go the better. — Vendors can start packing on the Sunday afternoon so probably best to plan around that possibility.
2. Bring a cart/wagon- there are amazing treasures but they aren’t always easy to carry
3. Vendors are cash only, prices vary from high end to op shop finds. You just never know what you will find and wish I had of actually bought more at the time. Yet, do be careful just because its at the market doesnt mean it is actually genuine vintage, much to my dismay when I got my first purchase home -it had a “Made in China” sticker that I hadn’t notice!