

This is a beginner’s guide to pottery glazes- it has been very much trial and error on my part and this is a record of my attempts so I can keep track if they do work!

Mayco Glazes

Combinations of glazes

Northern Lights

A great combo with little movement beyond margins

Base- Obsidian x 3 both inside and outside

Bands /swirls of

seaweed x 2

smoked merlot x 3


Beginner’s Guide To Pottery

Pottery has become my new favourite thing and the more I learn the more I want to! This is a record of my many , many attempts to improve.

These posts are organized from general topics where you keep clicking and you will get more and specific. I am creating this as a resource for myself but hopefully you might also find it useful. A resource I always turn to is YouTube, check it out too!

Things to make
